Limbaugh guest host Belling's war advice: “Let's bring Cheney back. ... Let's hand out a few contracts to Halliburton” Video & Audio 12/04/09 2:40 PM EST
A few decades late, Andrew Sullivan discovers the conservative movement's flaws Article 12/04/09 9:58 AM EST
Hannity: “I don't think” it's “accurate” to portray CRU emails as stolen Video & Audio 12/03/09 10:48 PM EST
Limbaugh wants somebody to tell Obama to resign in order to help unemployment Video & Audio 12/03/09 3:24 PM EST
Rush explains: Liberals aim to “eliminate” elderly, but he's not comparing Obama to Mao, Stalin “in terms of genocide” Video & Audio 12/03/09 2:51 PM EST
Limbaugh suggests liberals using health care reform to “eliminate” elderly because those people remember success of Reaganism Video & Audio 12/03/09 2:25 PM EST
Limbaugh confuses hackers and whistleblowers, gets apopleptic at thought of criminal probe into hacked CRU emails Video & Audio 12/03/09 2:18 PM EST
Hannity falsely suggested “mainstream media” did not cover “General Betray Us” ad Article 12/03/09 12:27 AM EST
Limbaugh attacks Obama over Afghanistan: “The President just surrendered” Video & Audio 12/02/09 5:09 PM EST
Rush declares that Obama thinks that “people that want to kill us” “have a point.” Video & Audio 12/02/09 3:42 PM EST
Rush claims Obama was “born and raised on the notion that this country is unjust and immoral,” adds “he believes all of this” Video & Audio 12/01/09 1:46 PM EST