Rush joins Beck in pushing conspiracy theory in which NBC, GE played role in WH security breach Video & Audio 12/01/09 1:17 PM EST
Limbaugh rants that “Bush loved the military, Obama doesn't like the military. ... It's a nagging annoyance to him.” Video & Audio 12/01/09 12:56 PM EST
“Climategate” exposed: Conservative media distort stolen emails in latest attack on global warming consensus Article 12/01/09 6:41 AM EST
Hume rails against “global warming alarmists” who can't explain why there's been “no apparent increase in global temperatures” since '98 Video & Audio 11/30/09 7:46 PM EST
Rush Calls Global Warming A “Scam,” Compares Climate Scientists To Tobacco Companies Article 11/30/09 5:19 PM EST
Claiming “only way” Dems can get re-elected “is with vote fraud,” Limbaugh again says “ACORN is Obama; Obama is ACORN” Video & Audio 11/30/09 3:52 PM EST
Limbaugh says Obama is a “wimpy little man-child who has no spine,” equates him with Hugo Chavez Video & Audio 11/30/09 3:13 PM EST
Limbaugh calls Krugman “a genuine idiot” before declaring, “There's no such thing” as green jobs Video & Audio 11/30/09 2:57 PM EST
Limbaugh compares IPCC, U.N., Hadley Centre, media, Al Gore to terrorists because of their work on global warming Video & Audio 11/30/09 1:53 PM EST
Limbaugh claims that no evidence supports global warming, then says anybody suppressing such data was “doing us a favor” Video & Audio 11/30/09 1:27 PM EST
Deutsch says Limbaugh and Beck are “circus acts,” Dobbs is not an “acceptable” candidate because “he's a racist” Video & Audio 11/30/09 11:16 AM EST
Breitbart: “Capital punishment for Dr James Hansen. Climategate is high treason” Article 11/29/09 12:05 PM EST
Kurtz points out disparity in conservative media's reaction to Grayson comment, Beck calling Landrieu a prostitute Video & Audio 11/29/09 11:15 AM EST
What's with right-wingers calling for a military coup against President Obama? Article 11/25/09 8:22 PM EST
Rush claims liberals are “never held to account for the inhumanity they propose and promote” Article 11/25/09 4:37 PM EST
Limbaugh's “memo” to GOP leaders: “Get on every national syndicated radio talk show” and “hammer away at Obama” Video & Audio 11/25/09 3:18 PM EST