Murdoch outlets contradict each other on Trump’s apparent lie about Iran Article 01/14/20 12:45 PM EST
Tucker Carlson's weeklong smear of the homeless amounted to little more than hateful “broken windows” propaganda Article 01/13/20 7:59 PM EST
Trump adviser and Fox host Robert Jeffress told LGBTQ teenager who “seriously contemplated suicide” to change her sexual orientation Article 01/13/20 12:20 PM EST
Jake Tapper asks the Secretary of Defense why Trump told Fox News things about Iran that haven't been told to Congress Video & Audio 01/12/20 11:37 AM EST
Sean Hannity melts down over report that the Trump administration is abandoning Uranium One investigation Article 01/10/20 10:45 PM EST
Fox ‘straight news' anchor uncritically recites debunked Trump administration talking point Article 01/10/20 9:14 PM EST
Fox News politics editor: Elizabeth Warren "comes off as too ambitious, too needy, too much" Video & Audio 01/10/20 2:58 PM EST
The final, inevitable collapse of the right-wing media’s Uranium One conspiracy theory Article 01/10/20 12:57 PM EST
Tucker Carlson: “Illegal immigrants are tethering themselves here with millions of anchor babies” Video & Audio 01/09/20 8:36 PM EST
Fox commentators gleefully promote more U.S. oil and gas drilling in wake of Soleimani assassination Article 01/09/20 4:27 PM EST
One day after Virginia legislature convenes, Dana Loesch lies on Fox & Friends that gun safety bills would “ban gun ranges” Article 01/09/20 3:14 PM EST
A viral and misleading Biden clip shows the dangers of democratizing disinformation Article 01/09/20 11:00 AM EST
Trump senior adviser and pundit Jenna Ellis has a long trail of toxic anti-LGBTQ remarks Article 01/09/20 9:00 AM EST