Media conservatives fearmonger that nonbinding health guidelines foreshadow government rationing Article 11/18/09 3:17 PM EST
Quick Fact: Fox Nation asks, “Did Obama Tell Chinese We're Chauvinists?” Article 11/18/09 2:23 PM EST
Limbaugh defines tragedy and terrorism to fit his attacks on Obama White House Video & Audio 11/18/09 2:14 PM EST
Limbaugh likens breast cancer screening recommendations to “death panels” Video & Audio 11/18/09 1:18 PM EST
McCaskill calls climate bill “big” and “hard”; Limbaugh asks, "[I]s she talking about the climate bill there?" Video & Audio 11/18/09 1:03 PM EST
On Limbaugh's show, Palin fearmongered about “jail time as punishment” in Senate health care bill Article 11/18/09 11:11 AM EST
O'Reilly cites dubious MRC report on alleged anti-Palin bias in the media Article 11/17/09 11:35 PM EST
Serving Sarah: Rush Hosts Palin To Push Falsehoods On Economy, Health Care, And Global Warming Article 11/17/09 5:08 PM EST
Anti-Defamation League singles out Glenn Beck in report on anti-government conspiracies Article 11/17/09 4:21 PM EST
Quick Fact: On Limbaugh, Palin repeats dubious claim that Reagan faced worse recession than current one Article 11/17/09 3:28 PM EST
On Limbaugh, Palin repeats dubious Rogue claim that Reagan faced “tougher recession than what we're facing today” Video & Audio 11/17/09 2:41 PM EST
Quick Fact: Limbaugh falsely claims Obama “does not want Congress” to investigate Ft. Hood shootings Article 11/17/09 1:56 PM EST
Limbaugh forwards falsehood that Obama opposes any congressional investigation into Fort Hood shooting Video & Audio 11/17/09 1:41 PM EST
Limbaugh: “I love” Chinese Communists because “Obama did not get to go preen” Video & Audio 11/17/09 12:42 PM EST