Fox & Friends has hosted 49 people to discuss coronavirus in the past 4 days. Only one was a medical professional. Research/Study 05/19/20 3:48 PM EDT
Trump claims he recently started taking hydroxychloroquine; Laura Ingraham never stopped promoting it Article 05/19/20 11:04 AM EDT
Fox’s Jeanine Pirro: FBI Director Wray “is part of the deep state” Video & Audio 05/18/20 10:03 PM EDT
Fox News give celebratory coverage to New Jersey gym’s reopening against coronavirus lockdowns Article 05/18/20 9:26 PM EDT
Here are seven times that Fox News promoted taking hydroxychloroquine to prevent contracting COVID-19 Research/Study 05/18/20 7:57 PM EDT
Downplaying risk of death, Sinclair ran a national segment promoting hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus treatment Article 05/18/20 6:23 PM EDT
Fox’s Neil Cavuto warns vulnerable populations that hydroxychloroquine “will kill you” Video & Audio 05/18/20 5:38 PM EDT
Fox Business anchor calls Obama's commencement speech “intellectually lazy” and says he should have “worked harder” Video & Audio 05/18/20 1:22 PM EDT
“Obamagate” is just a rebrand of the right’s bogus “deep state” conspiracy theory Article 05/18/20 10:24 AM EDT
Fox's Karl Rove accuses President Obama of committing a “political drive-by shooting” with his commencement speech Video & Audio 05/18/20 9:17 AM EDT
Fox & Friends freaks out over Obama commencement speech: “Barack Obama's not all that articulate” Video & Audio 05/17/20 12:11 PM EDT
Fox & Friends host: “At some point you're going to have to open up” and “let the chips fall where they may, as terrible that sounds” Video & Audio 05/17/20 11:28 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham says Democrats are pushing coronavirus “panic porn” Video & Audio 05/15/20 10:33 PM EDT
With coverage of the “Obamagate” charade, mainstream media outlets are still privileging Trump’s lies Article 05/15/20 4:47 PM EDT
How the Christian Broadcasting Network legitimizes the conservative evangelical media ecosystem Research/Study 05/15/20 4:27 PM EDT
Media Matters did an analysis of social interactions on CBN outlets’ content Research/Study 05/15/20 4:23 PM EDT