Richard Grenell deploys noninformation campaign with Flynn “unmasking” document Article 05/15/20 2:15 PM EDT
These advertisers are sponsoring Fox News while they neglect COVID coverage Research/Study 05/15/20 1:53 PM EDT
Fox News host Jeanine Pirro accuses judge in the Michael Flynn case of being part of a political conspiracy Video & Audio 05/15/20 10:38 AM EDT
The Lancet, which Fox News has touted, published another scathing critique of the Trump administration’s COVID-19 response Article 05/15/20 9:32 AM EDT
Fox’s Mark Levin calls for Obama officials to be thrown in prison Video & Audio 05/14/20 10:14 PM EDT
Sean Hannity declares coronavirus has peaked: “Thankfully, tonight, the worst has been avoided” Video & Audio 05/14/20 9:37 PM EDT
Fox's medical correspondent says Dr. Fauci’s job is to agree with Donald Trump Video & Audio 05/14/20 6:19 PM EDT
With Fox News' help, Republicans are continuing to lie and fearmonger about a Green New Deal Research/Study 05/14/20 5:29 PM EDT
Fox guest calls out anchor for asking if states are shutting down just to hurt Trump: “It's embarrassing that we are even talking about it" Video & Audio 05/14/20 3:58 PM EDT
Fox News largely ignores coronavirus whistleblower testimony in favor of “Obamagate” and baseball coverage Article 05/14/20 2:49 PM EDT
Amid climbing coronavirus death toll, Fox & Friends devotes twice as much coverage to Obamagate Research/Study 05/14/20 1:34 PM EDT
This is how Maria Bartiromo, who is on the “news side” at Fox, interviewed Donald Trump Article 05/14/20 1:12 PM EDT
Before attacking the judge in Michael Flynn's case, Sean Hannity used to praise his integrity Article 05/14/20 12:08 PM EDT
Sheriffs, salon owners, and Fox News’ desperate attempt to turn the pandemic into the latest culture war battle Article 05/14/20 11:58 AM EDT
Sean Hannity: “The great American republic will disintegrate before your eyes” if Obama officials don’t face “justice” Video & Audio 05/13/20 9:52 PM EDT
Fox’s Dr. Marc Siegel predicts no “big second wave” of coronavirus in America Video & Audio 05/13/20 9:20 PM EDT
Fox's Pirro: The judge in Gen. Michael Flynn's case “needs to recuse himself, he should be embarrassed to put a robe on” Video & Audio 05/13/20 8:51 PM EDT
Lou Dobbs accuses judge in Gen. Flynn case of “playing political games” Video & Audio 05/13/20 6:20 PM EDT