Limbaugh: Call Dems “the Kamikaze Party”; says Clinton told senators “how to fly their Zeros into our aircraft carriers” Video & Audio 11/11/09 2:58 PM EST
Limbaugh claims Obama delayed sending troops to Afghanistan in “political calculation” “to pass his health care bill” Video & Audio 11/11/09 2:34 PM EST
Limbaugh rants that “whatever happens, the backlash is always against us. ... Donovan McNabb has a lousy season, blame me” Video & Audio 11/11/09 2:12 PM EST
Limbaugh on Obama: “You do not understand the ego of this man, the narcissistic ego of this man” Video & Audio 11/11/09 2:08 PM EST
Limbaugh sarcasm: “Oh, gosh. ... I hope they're not” waterboarding Hasan Video & Audio 11/10/09 5:01 PM EST
Limbaugh “surprised” at amount of children in World Wildlife Fund ad “given their views on abortion and humans causing climate destruction” Video & Audio 11/10/09 3:45 PM EST
Limbaugh expects Obama to drop Dunn off in Asia “so that she can fully immerse herself in her Maoism” Video & Audio 11/10/09 3:22 PM EST
Limbaugh calls global warming “a hoax” and “a lie” while smearing World Wildlife Fund for “brainwashing their own kids” Video & Audio 11/10/09 3:20 PM EST
Limbaugh fearmongers about health-care reform: you will be sent to “some reeducation camp if you don't lose weight” Video & Audio 11/10/09 2:45 PM EST
Quick fact: Beck guest host Gray baselessly claims there were “700,000 to a million” participants in 9-12 rally in DC Article 11/10/09 1:13 PM EST
Laughing hysterically, Fox News media criticism show repeats fake HBO story that Fox apologized for starting Article 11/09/09 7:35 PM EST
Having attacked Obama for overseas “apology tour,” conservative media now attack him for not going to Berlin Article 11/09/09 6:56 PM EST
Limbaugh: “If we cede 2010, you can kiss the country goodbye as you know it” Video & Audio 11/09/09 3:10 PM EST