Fill-In Davis Joins Bachmann's Anti-Health Care Reform Rally “In Spirit” Article 11/05/09 4:08 PM EST
Limbaugh fill-in Davis suggests listeners cut up their AARP cards and mail them to the group due to their support of Dem. health bill Video & Audio 11/05/09 2:52 PM EST
Limbaugh fill-in Davis says stopping Dem. health plan is “noblest goal,” adds “this thing must die” Video & Audio 11/05/09 1:50 PM EST
Limbaugh fill-in Davis: "[I]f these swine flu lines were happening" under Bush, "[i]t would be Katrina all over again" Video & Audio 11/05/09 1:41 PM EST
Limbaugh fill-in Davis says Pelosi bill “facilitates abortion,” refers to her as “Cruella Pelosi” Video & Audio 11/05/09 1:02 PM EST
Savage on Pelosi: “Is Botox psychoactive? Should the FDA run experiments to see the effects of Botox on the female brain?” Video & Audio 11/05/09 12:36 PM EST
Imus asks Chris Wallace if Rush's interview attire “made him hot”; Wallace replies, “Are you nuts?” Video & Audio 11/05/09 8:38 AM EST
Limbaugh protests “Palin is not damaged at all” by loss of candidate she backed in NY-23 Video & Audio 11/04/09 3:16 PM EST
Limbaugh echoes Sen. DeMint's health care language to claim “last night may well have been Obama's Waterloo” Video & Audio 11/04/09 2:41 PM EST
Limbaugh: Elections last night show “Obama's been stopped. There is no question this is an anti-Obama vote” Video & Audio 11/04/09 2:08 PM EST
Rush: AP report on dejected gay marriage supporters is “chickification of the news” Video & Audio 11/04/09 1:43 PM EST
Limbaugh on HBO Obama documentary: “If a documentary could get anal poisoning, this one could” Video & Audio 11/04/09 1:33 PM EST
Apparently, NJ is now the most liberal state: Limbaugh claims Dems losing NJ is “like Ted Kennedy losing Massachusetts” Video & Audio 11/04/09 1:20 PM EST
Rush characterizes “funny” Kos post as Kos “blaming” election losses on the Dems for not being “socialist,” “communist enough” Video & Audio 11/04/09 1:11 PM EST