Hannity on Limbaugh's explanation for calling Obama a “man-child”: “I agree with that statement completely” Video & Audio 11/02/09 10:08 PM EST
After predicting Hoffman win in NY-23, O'Reilly asks “how much damage” is being done by Limbaugh, Beck, and Hannity Video & Audio 11/02/09 9:21 PM EST
O'Reilly goes after Limbaugh : “Ideological criticisms” of Obama “really don't solve any problems” Video & Audio 11/02/09 8:47 PM EST
Limbaugh: Scozzafava Is “Guilty Of Widespread Bestiality; She Has Screwed Every RINO In The Country” Article 11/02/09 6:56 PM EST
Wash. Post's Robinson on Gingrich being the “voice of reason” in GOP: “That tells you they're in for a long few years” Video & Audio 11/02/09 6:22 PM EST
Dr. Limbaugh: There is “hysteria” about H1N1, secondhand smoke -- which “does not kill you” Video & Audio 11/02/09 3:24 PM EST
Limbaugh, back to attacking GOP “squishy moderates,” takes on former Rep. Tom Davis Video & Audio 11/02/09 3:08 PM EST
Rush spins another wild conspiracy theory: “If anybody is running this show” at the White House, “it is Mayor Daley” Video & Audio 11/02/09 2:47 PM EST
Limbaugh: “Tomorrow's going to be a dry run for Democrat mischief and malfeasance, getting ready for 2010 and 2012” Video & Audio 11/02/09 2:20 PM EST
Misinformation pandemic: Conservative media use H1N1 to oppose health care reform Article 11/02/09 2:16 PM EST
Limbaugh: “Fraudsters” at ACORN, SEIU, New Black Panthers going to try to affect elections on Tuesday Video & Audio 11/02/09 2:15 PM EST
Limbaugh on Gingrich endorsement: “He probably didn't know much about Scozzafava” Video & Audio 11/02/09 1:53 PM EST
Limbaugh: We can say Scozzafava is “guilty of widespread bestiality; she has screwed every RINO in the country” Video & Audio 11/02/09 1:02 PM EST
Rush attacks Graham, rants about those who don't toe his line: Scozzafava “has just screwed every RINO in the country” Video & Audio 11/02/09 12:53 PM EST
Doubling down, Limbaugh reads Urban Dictionary definition to defend his labeling of Obama as a “man-child” Video & Audio 11/02/09 12:42 PM EST
Fox's Wallace and Briggs agree: Former “public enemy number one” Limbaugh knows “how Fox News feels these days” Video & Audio 11/02/09 8:14 AM EST