Fox host: End restrictions “everywhere as quickly as possible” because COVID-19 is “only terrible for a very small group of people” Video & Audio 04/24/20 12:48 PM EDT
Right-wing media promote protests outside abortion clinics during coronavirus pandemic Article 04/24/20 12:17 PM EDT
Across the country, right-wing talk radio hosts promote local protests against stay-at-home orders Article 04/24/20 10:27 AM EDT
Trump surrogates and Fox hosts Diamond and Silk are pushing dangerous coronavirus conspiracy theories Article 04/24/20 9:59 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham: “If we wait for Dr. Fauci's seal of approval to reopen America, we may not have an America to reopen” Video & Audio 04/23/20 10:42 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “The threat to rural America from this virus is minuscule” Video & Audio 04/23/20 8:57 PM EDT
Fox's Steve Doocy suggests letting states go bankrupt to cut pensions and balance budgets Video & Audio 04/23/20 12:30 PM EDT
Alex Jones: Texas state police told us that Gov. Abbott supports our protests against public health orders Article 04/23/20 12:13 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham attacks Veterans Affairs study showing hydroxychloroquine is ineffective and potentially dangerous Video & Audio 04/22/20 10:30 PM EDT
NPR promoted right-wing talking points about government support in an unevenly reported story about a coffee shop’s closure Article 04/22/20 5:22 PM EDT
Fox News spins to “control the narrative” of Trump's failures on coronavirus testing Article 04/22/20 2:14 PM EDT
New study finds that Hannity viewership correlates with more COVID-19 cases and fatalities Article 04/22/20 1:51 PM EDT
Infectious disease specialist: Fox News' promotion of hydroxychloroquine is “very damaging” Video & Audio 04/22/20 10:28 AM EDT
On Fox & Friends, Dr. Oz reverses course on hydroxychloroquine, backs Dr. Fauci's call for randomized trials Video & Audio 04/22/20 9:17 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham: “Things have changed a lot in California. We got a lot more drugs, we have a lot more, obviously, immigrants” Video & Audio 04/21/20 11:22 PM EDT
Sean Hannity: Hospitalization rate and death rate are falling in New York “thanks to President Trump” Video & Audio 04/21/20 9:43 PM EDT