Right-wing media’s favorite climate contrarians go on Fox shows to bash Biden’s climate plan Article 07/17/20 4:00 PM EDT
Fox News host says Biden's climate plan is akin to giving the economy to “Greta Thunberg in an old-man suit" Video & Audio 07/14/20 6:14 PM EDT
Corporate TV news needs to break its cycle of shallow coverage of extreme weather Article 07/09/20 10:05 AM EDT
PBS NewsHour is the first TV news program to substantively cover the dangerous Arctic heat wave Article 06/26/20 3:38 PM EDT
TV news' near silence on record-shattering temperatures in the Arctic is part of a disturbing trend in climate coverage Article 06/25/20 5:09 PM EDT
Facebook must close loophole that allows the viral spread of climate disinformation Article 06/25/20 5:06 PM EDT
Fox figures have been fearmongering about using contact tracing to mitigate coronavirus Article 06/15/20 11:16 AM EDT
Three years of corporate broadcast news hurricane coverage failed to mention specific risks to marginalized communities Research/Study 06/01/20 10:46 AM EDT
Allstate, GEICO, Liberty Mutual, Progressive, and USAA have a long history of standing by Fox’s science denial and disinformation Research/Study 05/27/20 9:59 AM EDT
With Fox News' help, Republicans are continuing to lie and fearmonger about a Green New Deal Research/Study 05/14/20 5:29 PM EDT
Trump's attacks on coronavirus models in ABC interview directly echo Fox News talking points Article 05/05/20 7:31 PM EDT