Right-Wing Media Push Baseless Accusation That Obama Will Use Executive Orders To Confiscate Your Guns Article 01/10/13 11:41 AM EST
Fox Regular Baselessly Claims That Closing The Gun Show Loophole Would Ban Private Sale Of Firearms Article 01/08/13 1:02 PM EST
FLASHBACK: Fox & Friends Co-Host Steve Doocy Endorsed Chuck Hagel For Defense Secretary Article 01/07/13 4:48 PM EST
Fox Deceptively Crops 2008 Obama Speech To Falsely Suggest Assault Weapons Hypocrisy Article 01/07/13 11:54 AM EST
Fox Knows Who's To Blame For Boehner's Delay Of Sandy Relief Bill: Obama Article 01/03/13 1:56 PM EST
Fox Guest David Limbaugh: “Obama Clearly Wants To Exact A Grudge Against America” Video & Audio 01/02/13 10:08 PM EST