Corporate TV news largely ignored the relationship between environmental justice and COVID-19 Research/Study 05/05/20 2:12 PM EDT
Mediocre Earth Day coverage by broadcast and cable news teed up right-wing media attacks on climate activists Article 04/28/20 5:11 PM EDT
Broadcast TV networks increase climate solutions coverage in 2019, but there’s still work to do Research/Study 04/21/20 2:07 PM EDT
Thanks to Fox News and Sean Hannity, Trump is now taking medical cues from Dr. Oz Article 04/09/20 6:26 PM EDT
Broadcast and cable news are ignoring the brazen Big Polluter agenda happening under the cover of the coronavirus Narrative/Timeline 04/06/20 3:25 PM EDT
The anti-abortion media figure Trump is relying on for his reelection outreach strategy Article 04/03/20 1:45 PM EDT
Rush Limbaugh on coronavirus: “The bias I have against modeling is justified, because it comes from climate change” Video & Audio 03/30/20 1:49 PM EDT
Right-wing media launch bogus attacks on Green New Deal to spin failed coronavirus relief bill vote Article 03/24/20 7:29 PM EDT
The 5 climate denier tactics Fox News repurposed for its coronavirus coverage Narrative/Timeline 03/23/20 5:17 PM EDT
Fox jumps on repugnant claim that climate activists are “celebrating” over coronavirus Article 03/20/20 5:30 PM EDT
Right-wing media figures are making unhinged connections between the coronavirus and climate action Article 03/19/20 5:04 PM EDT
Fox News and pro-Trump media did everything they could for weeks to downplay the threat of coronavirus Article 03/18/20 3:36 PM EDT
VP Pence downplays “irresponsible rhetoric” on coronavirus — after he graced Rush Limbaugh with an interview about it Article 03/12/20 4:00 PM EDT
Dr. Mehmet Oz tells Fox & Friends that real threat to humanity is a virus, “not global warming or carbon-based fuels” Video & Audio 03/09/20 9:14 AM EDT
Trump’s upcoming Fox News town hall is a good reminder that Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum are not serious “news” anchors Article 03/05/20 3:53 PM EST
Sunday morning political shows' coverage of climate in 2019 was mostly narrow, cynical, and uninformative Research/Study 03/05/20 2:06 PM EST
Daily Wire hosts call for extreme measures, including violence, against drag queens Article 03/03/20 2:06 PM EST