Limbaugh says, rather than swine flu, he'll call H1N1 “the Rosie O'Donnell virus” Video & Audio 10/09/09 3:29 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama “trashing,” “destroying,” “emasculating,” America; Nobel committee “applauded” Video & Audio 10/09/09 2:57 PM EDT
Limbaugh conspiracy theory: “Peace prize is making [Obama] a puppet” of United Nations Video & Audio 10/09/09 2:57 PM EDT
Limbaugh to Scarborough: “I invented ... the testicle lockbox, ... it's Hillary Clinton's,” and your testicles “are in” it Video & Audio 10/09/09 2:19 PM EDT
NFL players reportedly say they “wouldn't play for” Limbaugh-owned team due to his “flat-out racist” comments Article 10/09/09 2:14 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Nobel for Carter, Gore, Obama: “Liberal sell outs get this prize,” not Bush, Reagan Video & Audio 10/09/09 2:04 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Obama Nobel: “The people who used to run the election board for Saddam Hussein ... tall[ied] the votes” Video & Audio 10/09/09 2:02 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “We all agree with the Taliban and Iran” that Obama does not deserve Nobel Video & Audio 10/09/09 1:49 PM EDT
Still rooting against America: Right-wing media use Nobel Prize announcement as excuse to attack Obama Article 10/09/09 1:26 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Nobel committee “just suicide bombed itself. They destroyed themselves far more than we ever could” Video & Audio 10/09/09 12:50 PM EDT
While Doocy reports “no information that anybody's selling any fake vaccine,” chyron reads “Fake Vaccines Sold Online” Video & Audio 10/09/09 12:06 PM EDT
Limbaugh reportedly says Obama was given Nobel Peace Prize to “continue his intentions to emasculate the United States” Article 10/09/09 11:18 AM EDT
Scarborough fires back at Limbaugh: Put “testicles in a blind trust” for Bush and “stopped being conservative” Video & Audio 10/09/09 8:00 AM EDT
Citing Fox News segment, Limbaugh fearmongers that H1N1 vaccine ingredient has been linked to autism Video & Audio 10/08/09 4:23 PM EDT