Fox's Dan Bongino says it’s “Chinese propaganda” to point out Stephen Miller wrote Trump's Oval Office speech Video & Audio 03/12/20 10:53 PM EDT
On Fox Business, Sebastian Gorka says coronavirus outbreak shows Trump “has been utterly proven correct” Video & Audio 03/12/20 8:38 PM EDT
Fox's Martha MacCallum defends Trump from criticism: It was “only the second time he has done an Oval Office speech” Video & Audio 03/12/20 8:07 PM EDT
Fox's Martha MacCallum acknowledges “errors” in Trump's Oval Office address but chides the “finger-pointing” from Democrats Video & Audio 03/12/20 7:35 PM EDT
Fox News host: “It doesn't feel productive” to “sit there and attack” Trump's coronavirus response Video & Audio 03/12/20 1:51 PM EDT
By reframing Trump's incoherent, inaccurate ramblings as bland political copy, journalists are carrying water for the president Article 03/12/20 1:21 PM EDT
Trump’s payroll tax push would gravely endanger Social Security and Medicare — and right-wing media are lying about it Article 03/12/20 11:51 AM EDT
Fox's Brian Kilmeade: Coronavirus is “another break” for Joe Biden Video & Audio 03/12/20 10:46 AM EDT
Fox Nation host: “The president's gotten the country healthy, healthy enough of course to withstand this” Video & Audio 03/12/20 10:14 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson says not using racist terms to describe coronavirus is leading to its spread Video & Audio 03/11/20 8:51 PM EDT
Fox's Martha MacCallum scolds Democratic congressman for bringing up Trump’s coronavirus lies Video & Audio 03/11/20 8:08 PM EDT
Talk radio hosts dismiss concerns about coronavirus as an effort to take down Trump Article 03/11/20 4:37 PM EDT
Dr. Anthony Fauci's coronavirus testimony underscores how wrong Fox News' chief medical correspondent has been Article 03/11/20 3:19 PM EDT
Fox News medical contributor: Coronavirus pandemic declaration “means nothing,” praises Trump’s economic leadership Video & Audio 03/11/20 1:48 PM EDT
Fox News is downplaying the risk of coronavirus. That could get people killed. Article 03/11/20 12:42 PM EDT