Limbaugh clarifies: “I did not call Obama a Nazi. ... I compared Obama's health care policies to the Nazis' ” Video & Audio 09/25/09 12:50 PM EDT
Limbaugh blames ACORN, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Bill Clinton for financial crisis Video & Audio 09/25/09 12:40 AM EDT
In Leno bit, Limbaugh uses electric car to run over Al Gore cut-out; reverses, runs over him again Video & Audio 09/25/09 12:03 AM EDT
Fill-in Steyn: “Soros pays people to listen to” Limbaugh “in the hopes of catching Rush in that one career-detonating sound byte” Video & Audio 09/24/09 4:46 PM EDT
O'Reilly brags about working with Beck and Louisiana AG to have ACORN founder subpoenaed Video & Audio 09/23/09 9:06 PM EDT
NBC's Brian Williams uses Limbaugh's words to describe UN meeting as “Star Wars” “bar scene” Video & Audio 09/23/09 8:49 PM EDT
Wash. Times enlists in Beck's crusade against FCC diversity officer Mark Lloyd Article 09/23/09 7:35 PM EDT
Beck, Fox News lead conservative media in uniformly decrying “McCarthy”-like violation of Humana's “free speech” rights Article 09/23/09 4:06 PM EDT
Limbaugh says “the purpose of the Clinton Global Initiative is babes” Video & Audio 09/23/09 3:42 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Hillary Clinton wasn't let into Marines because “they didn't have uniforms or boots big enough to fit that butt and those ankles” Video & Audio 09/23/09 3:31 PM EDT
Hannity, Andersen advance discredited claim that Ayers helped Obama pen his autobiography Article 09/23/09 3:18 PM EDT
Limbaugh refers to UN speech as a “bloodless coup” in which Obama is “surrendering” the U.S. to “the global powers” Video & Audio 09/23/09 2:14 PM EDT