Limbaugh on reported reduction in nuclear arsenal: “This may be the most dangerous development yet, and I hope he fails” Video & Audio 09/21/09 1:44 PM EDT
Rush: “If Obama doesn't want to win the war in Afghanistan, it wouldn't come as a surprise, because he has said as much” Video & Audio 09/21/09 1:43 PM EDT
Savage claimed Pelosi “threatened violence” in comments about anti-government rhetoric and that SEIU engaged in violence Video & Audio 09/21/09 10:19 AM EDT
Post ombudsman adopts right-wing mantra that ACORN videos are a major story Article 09/20/09 5:57 PM EDT
Parker: Beck and Limbaugh are “empower[ing] racists”; Brooks: Beck and Limbaugh are “race-baiting” Video & Audio 09/20/09 12:07 PM EDT
Brooks: “Every single elected leader of the Republican Party is afraid to take on Rush and Glenn Beck” Video & Audio 09/20/09 11:41 AM EDT
The NYT's painfully dumb gangsta rap/hate radio essay. Or, Glenn Beck is “colorful” and “genuinely hilarious” Article 09/20/09 10:26 AM EDT
Media Matters: Fox News' incomplete, misleading ACORN coverage is just nuts Article 09/18/09 11:13 PM EDT
Reaction to Carter, Pelosi comments show media reluctant to discuss racism, extremism in Obama attacks Article 09/18/09 9:22 PM EDT
Echoing Limbaugh, Dobbs asks “if we can't criticize the public policies of a black president, can we have a black president?” Video & Audio 09/18/09 7:52 PM EDT
Limbaugh Names Next Right-Wing Target, Smears All Of SEIU With One Person's Actions Article 09/18/09 4:40 PM EDT
Limbaugh names next right-wing target, smears all of SEIU with one person's actions Video & Audio 09/18/09 3:34 PM EDT
Limbaugh mocks “Pelosi's tears”; “wouldn't put it past Pelosi to want to be trying to create some violence with this” Video & Audio 09/18/09 1:46 PM EDT
Gretchen Carlson, quiet when Beck called Obama “racist”: “liberals” are “playing the race card against conservatives” Video & Audio 09/18/09 7:19 AM EDT
Discussing incendiary remarks on “hate radio,” Dean said “Limbaugh,” “Beck” are “taking advantage of” the “underside to human nature” Video & Audio 09/17/09 10:05 PM EDT