Fox News anchor defends Homeland Security barring Oversight Committee members from visiting border facilities Article 08/29/19 11:45 AM EDT
Mike Pence is the latest Trump administration official to sit down with Eric Bolling for a softball interview Article 08/28/19 4:58 PM EDT
Fox host Todd Starnes continues the network’s attacks on Drag Queen Story Hour Article 08/28/19 4:05 PM EDT
Media presented far-right grifter Andy Ngo as a credible journalist. He was just caught covering for far-right extremists as they plan violent attacks. Article 08/28/19 1:41 PM EDT
The Trump campaign is crediting Hannity with launching a DOJ investigation into the Obama administration, and they’re probably right Article 08/28/19 12:36 PM EDT
Fox host Jeanine Pirro will headline Florida events for Trump booster group Article 08/28/19 10:02 AM EDT
CNN host calls out Fox News' hypocrisy on Trump's border wall: "Fox News blew a gasket” when anyone suggested Obama use eminent domain Video & Audio 08/28/19 9:23 AM EDT
After reporting on homes in Puerto Rico still missing a roof, Fox & Friends defends Trump diverting FEMA money to the southern border Video & Audio 08/28/19 9:10 AM EDT
On Fox News, Dinesh D'Souza says “nothing is happening that's that unusual in the Amazon” Video & Audio 08/27/19 10:50 PM EDT
Sean Hannity: Brain trauma is a “real issue” in the NFL, “but isn't that why we like football?” Video & Audio 08/27/19 10:23 PM EDT
Trump campaign official agrees with Sean Hannity that Fox News hosts are crucial to Trump's reelection effort Video & Audio 08/27/19 7:08 PM EDT
Conspiracy theorists embrace FOX Sports commentators Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe after they make dumb comments about vaccines Article 08/27/19 3:52 PM EDT
Fox host Jeanine Pirro accuses Democrats of “remaking America” by letting in “illegals” Article 08/27/19 2:15 PM EDT
Fox guest attacks millennials for “embracing godlessness” and worrying about climate change Video & Audio 08/27/19 10:47 AM EDT
Rudy Giuliani pushed the Seth Rich conspiracy theory. He also keeps amplifying QAnon accounts. Article 08/27/19 8:48 AM EDT
Fox guest cites Trump's use of an ethnic slur when talking about Sen. Elizabeth Warren as “brilliant” Video & Audio 08/27/19 8:42 AM EDT
Fox hosts climate denier to claim discussing the Amazon fires is “weaponization of the weather” Video & Audio 08/26/19 9:42 PM EDT
Trump keeps amplifying far-right racist Katie Hopkins, who called for a “final solution” for Muslims Article 08/26/19 4:33 PM EDT