Fox Corp. board member Paul Ryan says Trump will “go after” health care reform in second term Article 02/11/20 5:54 PM EST
CNN commentators having been acting as surrogates for the Trump campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire Article 02/11/20 4:08 PM EST
Fox spent months attacking Lt. Col. Vindman before Trump removed him from the NSC Article 02/11/20 2:22 PM EST
Sean Hannity's challenge: “Tell me one thing that I have said that's false” Article 02/11/20 2:14 PM EST
Pro-Trump lawyer Joe diGenova complains that “some of the people that used to be our friends” at Fox News “are not acting like they're friends of anybody” Video & Audio 02/11/20 1:39 PM EST
Tucker Carlson asks his guest about Steve Bannon's debunked coronavirus theory Article 02/11/20 11:57 AM EST
Brian Kilmeade on Donald Trump Jr: “We just got a chance to witness, possibly, the 46th president of the United States” Video & Audio 02/11/20 10:26 AM EST
Fox host says “I don't care” after video of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez discussing struggles of underpaid workers Video & Audio 02/11/20 8:27 AM EST
Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton: Roger Stone sentencing recommendation is payback by DOJ for Trump’s impeachment acquittal Video & Audio 02/10/20 8:15 PM EST
Lou Dobbs attacks Fox board member Paul Ryan for not criticizing Nancy Pelosi’s behavior during State of the Union Video & Audio 02/10/20 7:53 PM EST
Fox News contributor and former acting ICE director speaks to anti-immigrant hate group Article 02/10/20 4:33 PM EST
Fox knows exactly what it's doing by promoting Giuliani’s Ukraine disinformation campaign Article 02/10/20 1:14 PM EST
Fox News’ Brit Hume: It is a “conspiracy theory” that billionaires have exorbitant power in American politics Video & Audio 02/10/20 11:50 AM EST
CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota says Rudy Giuliani giving disinformation directly to the DOJ shows Trump “learned a lesson” Article 02/10/20 11:08 AM EST
USDA taxpayer-funded podcast is a paean to Trump and his disastrous agricultural trade policy Article 02/10/20 9:45 AM EST
Fox & Friends smears Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's military record Video & Audio 02/09/20 11:00 AM EST
The View echoes right-wing media by promoting the myth that Democrats are extreme about abortion Article 02/07/20 5:55 PM EST
Fox News’ “Brain Room” effectively concludes that Media Matters is more reliable than Sean Hannity or John Solomon Article 02/07/20 4:13 PM EST