Right-wing extremism in America is a real threat. Conservative media downplaying the problem only makes it worse. Article 08/07/19 1:29 PM EDT
Sinclair’s conservative “must-run” segment about solutions for gun violence doesn’t discuss guns Article 08/07/19 12:06 PM EDT
CNN analyst criticizes Tucker Carlson's denial of white supremacy: “He doesn't know what he's talking about” Video & Audio 08/07/19 9:39 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham defends using the term “invasion” to describe migrants seeking asylum Video & Audio 08/06/19 10:51 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham says Democrats are the ones feeding “the racist hate” and are going to get “more people hurt” Video & Audio 08/06/19 10:48 PM EDT
On Fox News, Mark Levin says the Obama administration was in league with the media Video & Audio 08/06/19 10:20 PM EDT
Angelo Carusone notes there is a line between white supremacists and Trump and "that line goes right through Fox News" Video & Audio 08/06/19 8:51 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: White supremacy is “actually not a real problem in America” Video & Audio 08/06/19 8:41 PM EDT
Right-wing media desperately look to blame anything but easy access to firearms in the wake of two deadly mass shootings Article 08/06/19 6:06 PM EDT
New York Times op-ed criticizing teen climate activist Greta Thunberg just validated months of bad faith right-wing attacks Article 08/06/19 4:27 PM EDT
Right-wing media have repeatedly used fears of a supposed immigrant “invasion” to raise money Article 08/06/19 2:00 PM EDT
Trump is attacking Google (again) because he's been watching Lou Dobbs (again) Article 08/06/19 1:30 PM EDT
After white nationalist gun massacre, major newspapers' headlines give Trump a pass for his racism Article 08/06/19 11:45 AM EDT
Fox anchor on demands for action on gun control: “Some would say that's the very rhetoric that they are wishing would go away” Video & Audio 08/06/19 10:45 AM EDT
Fox host: It is important to pay some people less than $30,000 a year Video & Audio 08/06/19 9:29 AM EDT