Right-wing media manufacture outrage over CNN host Don Lemon discussing relationship between climate change and strengthened hurricanes Article 09/29/22 1:53 PM EDT
Sean Hannity producer Lynda McLaughlin texted Trump's chief of staff to push debunked claims about election fraud Article 09/28/22 1:10 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson’s “law and order” push demands viewers ignore Democratic efforts to curtail crime Article 09/23/22 11:21 AM EDT
On Fox News, Donald Trump says immigrants are “poisoning our country” Video & Audio 09/22/22 9:39 PM EDT
On Hannity's radio show, Bill O'Reilly predicts that “if the minority vote is suppressed in November ... then it'll be a rout for the GOP” Video & Audio 09/21/22 5:40 PM EDT
Fox’s Facebook pages amplify and praise cruel immigration stunts by right-wing governors Research/Study 09/21/22 5:26 PM EDT
Right-wing media revive false narratives as migrants sent by DeSantis are relocated from Martha’s Vineyard Article 09/20/22 11:00 AM EDT
Sean Hannity claims the CDC “finally admitted, ‘we were wrong about those vaccine things’” Video & Audio 09/19/22 5:37 PM EDT
Fox News’ vicious response to the California heat wave is a harbinger of things to come Article 09/16/22 10:07 AM EDT
Fox abandoned Graham’s nationwide abortion ban because it wants to help the GOP win the midterms Article 09/14/22 12:31 PM EDT
Right-wing media and guests use 9/11 anniversary to fearmonger about possibility of immigrant and refugee terrorism Article 09/13/22 11:54 AM EDT
Trump's lawsuits keep failing – but Sean Hannity keeps plugging them anyways Article 09/12/22 11:39 AM EDT
National TV news networks barely mention climate change as record-breaking heat dome cooks the west Article 09/09/22 3:32 PM EDT