Limbaugh asks why Latino groups are lobbying for health care reform bill if illegal immigrants aren't covered Video & Audio 08/21/09 1:06 PM EDT
Limbaugh on increase in women arrested for drunk driving: “it was already bad enough” on the roads “with women sober” Video & Audio 08/20/09 4:09 PM EDT
Limbaugh tells caller who can't afford $6,000 to treat broken wrist: “Well, you shouldn't have broken your wrist” Video & Audio 08/20/09 4:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Unions “warning Democrats ... 'if you like walking, you'll listen to us' ” Video & Audio 08/20/09 3:44 PM EDT
Limbaugh adopts de facto death panel logic: “they sure as hell are not life panels” Video & Audio 08/20/09 3:08 PM EDT
Limbaugh: SEIU president Andrew Stern “is a union thug; it is his goons showing up at these town hall meetings” Video & Audio 08/20/09 2:29 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “there were some people out there who misconscrewed my Barney Frank comment about prowling around Uranus” Video & Audio 08/20/09 1:31 PM EDT
Limbaugh criticizes Obama for “talking about I am my brother's keeper”: “George Hussein-Onyongo Obongo” lives in a hut Video & Audio 08/20/09 1:08 PM EDT
Limbaugh refers to Commerce Department's Rebecca Blank as “under sex-retary” Video & Audio 08/20/09 1:04 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Waxman-Stupak letters to insurers: “this is like the East German police; this is like the KGB” Video & Audio 08/20/09 1:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh responds to “grief over my comments on Barney Frank”: “It was a great and funny line” Video & Audio 08/20/09 12:59 PM EDT
Kilmeade blasts Frank's response to Obama=Hitler protester: Why couldn't he say, “I understand where you're coming from, but” Video & Audio 08/20/09 8:33 AM EDT
Fox & Friends continues to ignore inflammatory question during “back and forth” with “rude” Frank Video & Audio 08/20/09 7:42 AM EDT
Olbermann gives WPITW silver to Kilmeade and Doocy, gold to Limbaugh Video & Audio 08/19/09 9:18 PM EDT
After repeated debunkings of “death panels,” conservative media backtrack to “de facto death panels” Article 08/19/09 5:28 PM EDT