Ignoring federal law on subject, Steyn says emergency medical treatment has “nothing to do” with gov't Video & Audio 08/18/09 4:06 PM EDT
Fill-In Steyn Claims Gov't Will Treat Illegal Immigrants Instead Of Elderly Article 08/18/09 3:54 PM EDT
Steyn: Under “death panel scenario,” gov't will refuse to treat 87-year-old in order to treat younger illegal immigrant Video & Audio 08/18/09 3:27 PM EDT
Steyn: During 2004 campaign, Dean was “basically offering to perform ... partial birth abortions” on crowd members Video & Audio 08/18/09 2:41 PM EDT
Steyn is watching Hurricane Bill because, if it hits Bermuda, Uighurs “could be swept up and deposited back” to Gitmo Video & Audio 08/18/09 2:28 PM EDT
Steyn: Health reform will “metastasize like your untreated cancer ... while you're waiting to see a specialist” Video & Audio 08/18/09 2:13 PM EDT
Steyn: With death panels, Palin taught conservatives, don't be “moderate,” “reasonable” Video & Audio 08/18/09 1:56 PM EDT
Steyn claims town hall disruptions “usually involves somebody asking a tough question” of legislators Video & Audio 08/18/09 1:17 PM EDT
Limbaugh fill-in Steyn advances end-of-life falsehood, proposes “Death Panel with the Stars” Video & Audio 08/18/09 1:16 PM EDT
Ignoring language in bills, Dick Morris repeatedly claims health reform plans will cover “illegal immigrants” Article 08/18/09 1:14 PM EDT
Conservative media follow GOP talking point, declare co-ops identical to public plan Article 08/18/09 9:25 AM EDT
New conspiracy theory: Conservative media baselessly suggest email recipients may be on WH “enemies list” Article 08/17/09 10:48 PM EDT
O'Reilly claims public option debate is really “about socialism,” for which Dean and Krugman are “poster boys” Video & Audio 08/17/09 8:26 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claimed he has “not used the word 'death panels,' except in quoting Sarah Palin” Article 08/17/09 7:18 PM EDT
Home Depot reportedly claims it doesn't “support” Limbaugh's show -- but here's the audio Article 08/17/09 7:10 PM EDT
Roger Simon goes on Lou Dobbs to criticize the “repulsive” rhetoric - of Beck and Limbaugh Video & Audio 08/17/09 5:42 PM EDT