Prime-time Fox shows have mentioned Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over 4 times more than Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Research/Study 02/01/19 2:28 PM EST
CNBC's Joe Kernen claims Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants billionaires to “stop creating jobs, stop creating wealth, stop succeeding” with her “warped” wealth tax proposal Video & Audio 02/01/19 1:16 PM EST
Fox Business panel dismisses economic damage from the shutdown: “Who needs the federal government?” Video & Audio 02/01/19 11:38 AM EST
How a myth about journalists telling miners to “learn to code” helped people justify harassment Article 01/31/19 10:57 AM EST
Fox's Stuart Varney claims people “in the 1 percent” like himself are taxed more under Trump Video & Audio 01/30/19 2:47 PM EST
CNBC personalities tout Howard Schultz, Jamie Dimon as candidates for president Article 01/29/19 5:57 PM EST
Fox host criticizes Sen. Warren's call for high taxes on the super rich: Billionaire “earned” his luxury yacht Video & Audio 01/28/19 11:44 AM EST
Fox guest is outraged that Maxine Waters wants to conduct oversight of banking industry: “It's really almost like crazy town” Video & Audio 01/25/19 11:29 AM EST
Fox's Ed Henry links Elizabeth Warren's proposed wealth tax to ongoing popular revolt against Venezuelan regime Video & Audio 01/25/19 9:49 AM EST
What The Daily Wire gets wrong (and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets right) about algorithms and racism Article 01/24/19 12:38 PM EST
Fox News contributor blames “bleak economic outlook” of Trump economy on Democratic control of the House Video & Audio 01/24/19 11:09 AM EST
On CNBC, Commerce Secretary Ross downplays effect of government shutdown: “I don't really quite understand” why federal employees need food banks Video & Audio 01/24/19 9:34 AM EST
Fox & Friends guest: The Trump administration “is everything FDR dreamed for” Video & Audio 01/24/19 8:08 AM EST
CNN host calls out GOP congressman for lying about Trump and McConnell's shutdown bill Video & Audio 01/23/19 3:26 PM EST
Fox guest: “If we dismiss Ocasio-Cortez and socialism right now, it's at our own peril” Video & Audio 01/23/19 10:30 AM EST
NRATV host: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “doesn’t have any mental capacity to actually reason” Video & Audio 01/23/19 10:24 AM EST
On Fox Business, Ben Stein compares Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's rhetoric to Hitler's, warns about mass murder and genocide Video & Audio 01/22/19 9:05 PM EST