Fox News runs interference for Devin Nunes after revelation of calls with Lev Parnas Article 12/04/19 10:24 AM EST
Laura Ingraham's podcast was bigoted, propagandistic, and a grift. If it's finished, it won't be missed. Article 12/04/19 9:01 AM EST
Fox legal analyst Gregg Jarrett: Someone else may have used Devin Nunes' phone to call the White House, Giuliani, and Lev Parnas Video & Audio 12/04/19 8:18 AM EST
Fox guest Alan Dershowitz: Putting “electoral interests before the national interests” wouldn't “even be close to being an impeachable offense.” Video & Audio 12/03/19 10:45 PM EST
Tucker Carlson attacks Chuck Todd for debunking conservative conspiracy theory, calls it “literally” McCarthyism Video & Audio 12/03/19 9:09 PM EST
Lou Dobbs: Donald Trump’s “greatest offense is that he is simply unprecedented, and he is unbeatable” Video & Audio 12/03/19 7:38 PM EST
Dallas Morning News editorial board conducted a rare climate change-focused Q&A. The participant was a discredited climate contrarian. Article 12/03/19 4:53 PM EST
House GOP's impeachment “report” just a recitation of Fox talking points Article 12/03/19 3:17 PM EST
Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett will headline, sell books at Trump fan club gathering Article 12/03/19 1:49 PM EST
Laura Ingraham and guests mock Lisa Page for being emotional over personal attacks from President Donald Trump Video & Audio 12/02/19 11:11 PM EST
Lou Dobbs guest: George Soros “helped fund those massive migrations out of Central America” and “antifa here inside the United States” Video & Audio 12/02/19 8:43 PM EST
Tucker Carlson defends Vladimir Putin and says American media hate the United States more than Putin Video & Audio 12/02/19 8:38 PM EST
Lou Dobbs: “It is an atrocity committed upon this nation” to even schedule impeachment hearings Video & Audio 12/02/19 7:45 PM EST
Fox legal analyst Gregg Jarrett attacks impeachment witnesses for being “pinheaded professors” Video & Audio 12/02/19 5:12 PM EST
Frank Wuco, an anti-Muslim and anti-LGBTQ pundit, is now a senior State Department adviser Article 12/02/19 1:59 PM EST
Fox Business host says it's “ridiculous” Congress is considering impeachment given Black Friday sales numbers Video & Audio 12/02/19 9:21 AM EST