Fox’s alternate reality after Wednesday's devastating impeachment testimony Article 11/21/19 11:21 AM EST
The New York Times parrots Trump's “no quid pro quo” phone call defense Article 11/21/19 11:21 AM EST
Far-right Trump defenders blast Russia-aligned Ukrainian lawmaker’s unsubstantiated allegations across social media Article 11/21/19 11:09 AM EST
Cable news covered Santa Clarita shooting for nearly 12 hours -- less than one hour was focused on gun policy Article 11/21/19 10:01 AM EST
Fox & Friends co-hosts saddened as Andrew Napolitano debunks their impeachment conspiracy theories Video & Audio 11/21/19 8:48 AM EST
Tucker Carlson attacks Trump mega-donor and hand-picked EU ambassador Gordon Sondland for hiring “lefty lawyers” Video & Audio 11/20/19 9:17 PM EST
Tucker Carlson warns that immigrants will overcrowd America and “crowded countries are never beautiful countries” Video & Audio 11/20/19 8:55 PM EST
Tucker Carlson apologizes to his audience for covering “tiresome” impeachment hearings Video & Audio 11/20/19 8:26 PM EST
Fox News echoes White House talking points attacking Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman Article 11/20/19 4:56 PM EST
Read Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's letter asking Fox to retract a segment smearing him Article 11/20/19 4:35 PM EST
Fox contributor Andy McCarthy: This isn't the “bribery” you're looking for Article 11/20/19 1:11 PM EST
Fox News contributor Ken Starr asserts that Sondland's testimony leaves a “muddled situation” Video & Audio 11/20/19 10:01 AM EST
Fox News correspondent: “In a way” it's true that President Trump doesn't know Gordon Sondland Video & Audio 11/20/19 9:42 AM EST
Brian Kilmeade finds it “hard to believe” that someone could overhear a phone call with Trump when he was “5,000 miles away” Video & Audio 11/20/19 8:41 AM EST
Fox's Newt Gingrich: Lt. Col. Vindman “is an absurdity” and “thinks that he knows so much” Video & Audio 11/19/19 10:55 PM EST
Lou Dobbs guest: Lt. Col. Vindman is a “never-Trump bureaucrat deep state crybaby” Video & Audio 11/19/19 8:38 PM EST