Limbaugh: Obama “not a force for positive race relations” due to “militant black reaction” to Gates' arrest Video & Audio 07/23/09 3:57 PM EDT
Hour 3: Limbaugh On Obama's Gates Response: “The ACORN Reaction,” “The Militant Black Reaction” Article 07/23/09 3:48 PM EDT
Savage says “Adolf Hitler would be proud” of Schumer for “kill[ing]” concealed weapons amendment Video & Audio 07/23/09 3:10 PM EDT
Hour 2: Discussing Gates, Limbaugh Claims African-American Studies Is “Devoted To Creating Racial Friction” Article 07/23/09 2:34 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Let me tell you something, Sen. Reid. We will be ready for you when you come back after the August recess” Video & Audio 07/23/09 2:23 PM EDT
Limbaugh finishes “gingerly dancing around the Gates business”: “I think Skip Gates wanted to be arrested” Video & Audio 07/23/09 2:23 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “The brothers of liberals are Nazis, communists, socialists, and so forth” Video & Audio 07/23/09 1:56 PM EDT
Limbaugh on meeting with “head honcho of the CBO”: Rahm and Obama “got in the guy's face” because they are “authoritarians” Video & Audio 07/23/09 1:38 PM EDT
Limbaugh: "[W]e saw white firefighters under assault by agents of Barack Obama"; “Now white policemen are under assault” Video & Audio 07/23/09 1:34 PM EDT
MSNBC's Brewer criticizes, mocks Limbaugh, Liz Cheney, others on birther theories Video & Audio 07/23/09 11:06 AM EDT
The American Spectator's Klein slams Limbaugh for “encouraging” birther theories Article 07/23/09 7:39 AM EDT
Again slamming Dobbs' birther theories, Matthews wonders if it's about “not documentation, but pigmentation” Video & Audio 07/23/09 12:17 AM EDT
Matthews calls out Dobbs, Limbaugh on birther claims, grills Giuliani Video & Audio 07/22/09 5:54 PM EDT