Steve Doocy plays down effects of Trump's government shutdown: “A lot of people don't feel it” Video & Audio 01/04/19 8:32 AM EST
Fox & Friends guest: Food stamp recipients are “watching porn” and “watching TV” instead of working Video & Audio 01/02/19 9:09 AM EST
Amid steady losses, Lou Dobbs declares, “This market has gone from being the Trump market to the Powell market” Video & Audio 12/20/18 8:55 PM EST
As advertisers flee, Tucker Carlson doubles down on claim that immigration makes the United States “poorer and dirtier” Video & Audio 12/17/18 9:24 PM EST
Fox correspondent falsely claims connection between carbon emissions and climate change “hasn't been proven” Video & Audio 12/11/18 12:28 PM EST
Fox Business panel highlights increase in credit card rejections and delinquencies, fails to mention Trump administration’s gutting of consumer watchdog Article 12/06/18 12:09 PM EST
Tucker Carlson: California was a “middle-class paradise” until “low-skilled immigration overwhelmed” the state Video & Audio 12/05/18 9:05 PM EST
“You're dying, we're gonna replace you”: Tucker Carlson fearmongers about immigrants replacing Americans Video & Audio 12/04/18 9:30 PM EST
Fox guest: Donating to migrants in the caravan is “aiding and abetting criminals on the border” Video & Audio 12/04/18 9:55 AM EST
Fox Business host complains that people who rely on government programs don't feel enough shame Video & Audio 12/03/18 10:27 PM EST
Fox continues to praise Trump’s tax cuts and trade policies despite General Motors layoffs Article 11/30/18 3:45 PM EST
Fox's Jeanine Pirro says that the real racists are asylum-seekers for trying to enter the United States Video & Audio 11/30/18 2:49 PM EST
Fox Business panel pushes for more GOP tax cuts in lame-duck session Video & Audio 11/28/18 12:14 PM EST
Brian Kilmeade wonders why GOP tax cut didn't help keep GM factories open Video & Audio 11/28/18 7:42 AM EST
Fox Business host fears capitalism is in trouble because Americans will see companies “posting record earnings and ... firing people” Video & Audio 11/27/18 11:33 AM EST