Hour 2: Limbaugh criticizes Schwarzenegger for supporting Obama emissions proposal Article 05/19/09 2:11 PM EDT
Limbaugh responds to Price; says all Dems “had to do was nominate an African-American and [they've] got Colin Powell” Video & Audio 05/18/09 4:27 PM EDT
Hour 3: Limbaugh Stupefied That Rep. Price Would Choose Powell Over Cheney Article 05/18/09 4:05 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims Obama “made the case for killing babies born alive and giving legal protection to the doctors that did it” Video & Audio 05/18/09 2:59 PM EDT
Hour 2: Rush The Philanthropist: “I Hate This Whole Concept Of Giving Back” Article 05/18/09 2:54 PM EDT
Hour 1: Rush Renames Employee Free Choice: “The Union Brass Knuckles Busting On Your Knees Act” Article 05/18/09 2:13 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Employee Free Choice Act should be titled “The Union Brass Knuckles Busting On Your Knees Act” Video & Audio 05/18/09 2:03 PM EDT
Rep. Tom Price (R-GA): “It's not up to Rush Limbaugh to decide who ought to be in the Republican Party” Video & Audio 05/18/09 10:52 AM EDT
Yet again, media figures respond to a Pelosi controversy with attacks on her looks Article 05/18/09 8:51 AM EDT
Castellanos: "[I]f Speaker Pelosi were still capable of human facial expression, we'd see she'd be embarrassed" by her “Nixon-like position” Video & Audio 05/17/09 11:17 AM EDT
Limbaugh on detainee abuse photos: “If that's torture, I weigh 102 pounds” Video & Audio 05/15/09 2:09 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Pelosi was “shaking” at press conference, “could be Botox withdrawal” Video & Audio 05/15/09 1:04 PM EDT