Limbaugh: “I'll tell you who Obama has destroyed, the people who've made it” Video & Audio 05/13/09 2:24 PM EDT
Black helicopter sighting: Limbaugh warns that “national healthcare ... is the entrée to controlling every aspect of your life” Video & Audio 05/13/09 2:10 PM EDT
Hour 1: Conspiratorial Rush: Claims White House Is Pushing Pelosi/Torture Story Article 05/13/09 1:57 PM EDT
Maddow discusses Limbaugh claim that Obama wants “forced reparations” Video & Audio 05/12/09 10:29 PM EDT
Hour 2: Rush Calls Health Care Incentives “Gobbledygook” And “Utopian Bull Feathers” Article 05/12/09 2:33 PM EDT
Limbaugh: "[F]ascists, statists" on the left are interested in “silencing people who disagree with them and the reason for that, folks, is fear. They are afraid of Dick Cheney. They are afraid of me” Video & Audio 05/12/09 1:41 PM EDT
Hour 1: Ranting About Miss California, Limbaugh Attacks “Godlessness,” “Perversions” Of The Left Article 05/12/09 1:36 PM EDT
Limbaugh rant on Prejean press conference: “We're supposed to tolerate” the “perversions” and “godlessness” of the left, but “when we stand up and just express our beliefs ... it's time to get the Gestapo” Video & Audio 05/12/09 1:14 PM EDT
Rove to Powell: “It's not a very comforting vision to say my vision for the Republican Party's future is for Rush Limbaugh to shut up” Video & Audio 05/12/09 7:24 AM EDT
Hannity “couldn't agree more” with Cheney about Limbaugh and Powell Video & Audio 05/11/09 9:35 PM EDT
Schultz slams Feherty's “sick Nancy Pelosi-Harry Reid death fantasy,” Davis for reading it Video & Audio 05/11/09 6:55 PM EDT
Buchanan agrees with Cheney that Limbaugh is “a better Republican” than Powell Video & Audio 05/11/09 6:34 PM EDT
Castellanos on Limbaugh and Powell: “I agree with the vice president. I'd pick Rush, too.” Video & Audio 05/11/09 6:11 PM EDT
Limbaugh has repeatedly smeared progressives, media by linking them to terrorists Article 05/11/09 4:38 PM EDT