Mark Davis suggests Obama is “pro-abortion” because “when you stick up for infanticide like this guy has” Video & Audio 05/08/09 2:41 PM EDT
Hour 3: Fill-in Davis suggests you can't be both Catholic and a Democrat Article 05/08/09 2:34 PM EDT
Limbaugh fill-in Davis reads Feherty's comments about “any U.S. soldier” killing Pelosi and Reid, says “his words speak enormous volumes” Video & Audio 05/08/09 2:12 PM EDT
Hour 2: Discussing Obama's upcoming Notre Dame speech, fill-in Davis falsely claims Obama supports infanticide Article 05/08/09 1:50 PM EDT
Limbaugh fill-in Davis: If we waterboard “our own guys, isn't that Exhibit A that it ain't torture” Video & Audio 05/08/09 1:48 PM EDT
Limbaugh fill-in Davis: "[I]f we were to waterboard Chris Dodd...let me just hold that image in my head for one precious moment..." Video & Audio 05/08/09 1:41 PM EDT
Hour 1: Fill-in Davis reads from David Feherty's column suggesting U.S. soldiers would want to kill Reid and Pelosi Article 05/08/09 12:28 PM EDT
Bill Donohue: Notre Dame giving Obama an honorary degree “would be like Howard University giving David Duke a degree in racial politics” Video & Audio 05/08/09 11:34 AM EDT
Dijon Derangement Syndrome: Conservative media attack Obama for burger order Article 05/07/09 4:49 PM EDT
Limbaugh fill-in Steyn on Obama using Dijon mustard: “John Kerry couldn't get away with that stuff but he makes it seem like just like a regular thing to do” Video & Audio 05/07/09 3:37 PM EDT
Hour 2: Fill-in Steyn: Liberals will eventually “detect” in the Constitution a right to “consensual adult incest” Article 05/07/09 1:43 PM EDT
Hour 1: Fill-in Steyn: Obama will celebrate National Prayer Day by having WH press corps bow to him Article 05/07/09 12:45 PM EDT
Fox & Friends chyron identifies Rattner as being part of “Dems' 'Culture of Corruption'” for being “accused of threatening to smear Chrysler” Video & Audio 05/07/09 7:58 AM EDT