Maddow says Cantor turned “180 degrees” on NCNA after Limbaugh's comments Video & Audio 05/06/09 10:05 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Obama's plan to phase out DC vouchers: “It's all about votes. It's not about educating kids. ... [T]hey don't want them escaping the underclass regardless their race” Video & Audio 05/06/09 3:53 PM EDT
Limbaugh responds to Cantor's downplaying of “listening” tour: “Good!” Video & Audio 05/06/09 3:09 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama thinks “union people” “have effectively been raped by American capitalism, and they have a lot of stuff coming due” Video & Audio 05/06/09 2:53 PM EDT
Limbaugh repeats his claim that Powell's endorsement of Obama was “purely and solely based on race” Video & Audio 05/06/09 2:22 PM EDT
Limbaugh echoes false claim that Hate Crimes bill “carv[es] out protection for perverts” Video & Audio 05/06/09 2:06 PM EDT
Hour 2: Limbaugh's response to Cantor's downplaying of the “listening tour”: “Good!” Article 05/06/09 2:05 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claims "[t]here will be no public recognition of the National Day of Prayer in the White House" Video & Audio 05/06/09 1:35 PM EDT
Asked about Limbaugh's comments, Cantor says, “This is not a 'listening tour.' ” Video & Audio 05/06/09 11:28 AM EDT
On Cavuto, Lauria refuses to comment on his prior allegation that the administration “directly threatened” Perella Weinberg Video & Audio 05/05/09 6:18 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims Obama “loves the fact” that Perella Weinberg allegedly receiving death threats Video & Audio 05/05/09 3:38 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims "[w]e've got literally a thugocracy that is operating out of the White House" Video & Audio 05/05/09 3:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh refers to “so-called abuse at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay” Video & Audio 05/05/09 2:53 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Perella Weinberg Partners getting death threats and they're probably ACORN people just like harassing the AIG people. I'm sure it's coordinated. Obama has the network in place to do this.” Video & Audio 05/05/09 2:49 PM EDT