Hour 3: Rush pushes disputed “auto czar” story to claim the White House is a “thugocracy” Article 05/05/09 2:41 PM EDT
Limbaugh lists Joe the Plumber among those “who can articulate conservatism” Video & Audio 05/05/09 2:05 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama “operates on the belief that every achiever under this country is a thief” Video & Audio 05/05/09 2:04 PM EDT
Limbaugh on GOP's “listening tour”: “This whole notion of listening, it's just -- it's a scam” Video & Audio 05/05/09 2:03 PM EDT
Limbaugh: People are “more afraid of their government than they have ever been” Video & Audio 05/05/09 1:49 PM EDT
Hour 2: Discussing GOP's “listening tour,” Limbaugh says, "[t]his whole notion of listening, it's just -- it's a scam" Article 05/05/09 1:29 PM EDT
Hour 1: Limbaugh lists Joe the Plumber as someone who can “articulate conservatism” Article 05/05/09 12:33 PM EDT
Beck on disputed claim of White House “threaten[ing]” hedge fund: “It's Brown Shirt stuff” Video & Audio 05/05/09 7:52 AM EDT
Fox & Friends continue to advance disputed allegation that White House “threatened” investment firm Video & Audio 05/05/09 7:03 AM EDT
Limbaugh: "[E]verybody else on this [NCNA] bus tour, for the most part, is responsible for where we are. We did it their way in 2008." Video & Audio 05/04/09 6:16 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Michelle 'My Belle' is an angry woman. I think Barack himself is angry and they spent their whole lives in anger.” Video & Audio 05/04/09 5:10 PM EDT
Limbaugh attacks columnist Connie Schultz as “stupid,” “blitheringly ignorant” and a “ditz” but says, “There's no hate on this program” Video & Audio 05/04/09 5:07 PM EDT
Limbaugh, Fox Business push disputed claim: White House “threatened” investment firm Article 05/04/09 4:41 PM EDT
Limbaugh on NCNA: “We do not need a 'listening tour.' We need a 'teaching tour' ... 'Listening tour' ain't it.” Video & Audio 05/04/09 4:37 PM EDT
Hour 3: Limbaugh: “The correct way to describe cap and trade is cap-and-tax-your-ass-off” Article 05/04/09 2:40 PM EDT
Limbaugh rants on Obama's “forced sacrifice” which is “authoritarianism, totalitarianism or what have you” Video & Audio 05/04/09 2:23 PM EDT