Hour 1: Rush calls Obama “cold” and “partisan” for comments on Fox-promoted tea parties Article 04/29/09 1:19 PM EDT
Fox & Friends' question of the day: "[I]f you could write the president's teleprompter copy, how would you describe his first hundred days?" Video & Audio 04/29/09 7:40 AM EDT
Limbaugh on Obama's view of American values: “We're not gonna waterboard Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, we're going to murder a million babies a year” Video & Audio 04/28/09 4:08 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Arlen Specter is a liberal Republican. ... People who are not really Republicans are now leaving” the GOP Video & Audio 04/28/09 4:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh on auto bailout: GM and Chrysler “bent over and grabbed the ankles” Video & Audio 04/28/09 3:46 PM EDT
Limbaugh refers to Americans United for Change as a “union thug group” Video & Audio 04/28/09 3:36 PM EDT
Limbaugh throws out another conspiracy theory: Maybe Air Force One was in NYC to replace Statue of Liberty with “one of Obama” Video & Audio 04/28/09 3:25 PM EDT
Hour 3: Limbaugh refers to Americans United for Change as a “union thug group” Article 04/28/09 2:52 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Obama comment that Al Qaeda not constrained by constitution: “he's basically again saying 'Look, I kind of envy al Qaeda' ” Video & Audio 04/28/09 2:15 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Specter leaving GOP: “A lot of people -- Specter, take McCain with you, and his daughter” Video & Audio 04/28/09 1:55 PM EDT
Limbaugh on auto bailout: “Don Obama has made Don Corleone look like Daffy Duck” Video & Audio 04/28/09 1:43 PM EDT
Hour 2: Limbaugh distorts Obama's comments to claim he “kinda env[ies] Al Qaeda” Article 04/28/09 1:37 PM EDT
Hour 1: Discussing party switch, Limbaugh says Specter should take John and Meghan McCain with him Article 04/28/09 1:13 PM EDT
Discussing swine flu, Limbaugh asserts, “AIDS was going to get really bad but it didn't” Video & Audio 04/28/09 1:04 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Swine flu “is out there” “to cover up the mess that is the United States of America right now” Video & Audio 04/27/09 6:09 PM EDT