Fox & Friends host on Trump's State of the Union: “It was hard not to applaud on maybe two-thirds of that speech if you are an American” Video & Audio 02/06/19 8:03 AM EST
A mirror image: Trump's 2019 State of the Union address and Sean Hannity commentary Article 02/06/19 12:34 AM EST
Right-wing media attack Stacey Abrams after she delivers the Democratic response to the SOTU Article 02/05/19 11:26 PM EST
Fox hosts praise Stacey Abrams’ SOTU response: “She seemed to get more to what people's lives are like in the reality" Video & Audio 02/05/19 11:25 PM EST
Fox's Brit Hume: Trump's SOTU speech “was not partisan” and “had a unifying theme to it” Video & Audio 02/05/19 10:55 PM EST
The anti-abortion lies media must correct from Trump's 2019 State of the Union Article 02/05/19 10:17 PM EST
Fox melts down after polls show vast majority favor taxing the rich more Article 02/05/19 4:13 PM EST
Fox commentators defend Trump for using executive time to tweet about their shows Article 02/05/19 1:12 PM EST
Bill O'Reilly is writing a “history book” about Donald Trump -- and Trump gave him exclusive access to help Article 02/05/19 12:37 PM EST
Fox's Charles Payne blames popularity of taxing the rich on “fairness” being “promoted in our schools for a long time” Video & Audio 02/05/19 12:01 PM EST
Fox & Friends ignores report on Trump properties firing undocumented workers in interview with Eric Trump Article 02/05/19 9:52 AM EST
Fox News contributor: “Abortion is never medically necessary in the third trimester” Video & Audio 02/05/19 8:16 AM EST
Tucker Carlson guest calls media coverage of Northam “kind of a minstrel show” Video & Audio 02/04/19 8:53 PM EST
Fox News host on Trump’s hours of “executive time”: “It sounds a lot like work” Video & Audio 02/04/19 8:39 PM EST
Fox News host praises Trump for live-tweeting Fox News, says the network is a “conduit to the American people” Video & Audio 02/04/19 6:31 PM EST
EPA nominee Andrew Wheeler attacks press ahead of Senate confirmation vote Article 02/04/19 5:33 PM EST
Right-wing media’s extreme abortion rhetoric could mean more people get hurt Article 02/04/19 3:34 PM EST
Trump seems poised to take Fox cabinet’s advice and declare national emergency for border wall funding Article 02/04/19 11:30 AM EST