Limbaugh's history: “We probably did blow up Morocco, showed them who's boss” Video & Audio 04/09/09 12:53 PM EDT
Hour 1: Rush claims the Somali pirate saga shows how both Obama and Clinton are “inept” in handling “3 a.m. phone call” Article 04/09/09 11:53 AM EDT
Limbaugh “You need men to carry hysterical women out of burning buildings -- just a joke, folks! It's more stereotypical humor” Video & Audio 04/08/09 4:13 PM EDT
Discussing his theories about smart meters, the government, and Google, Limbaugh denies that he's a kook engaging in “conspiracy theories” Video & Audio 04/08/09 3:02 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Liberal black politicians” envy Castro because he has “dictatorial power” Video & Audio 04/08/09 1:22 PM EDT
Declaring global warming a “hoax,” Limbaugh claims the “world is not warming, it is cooling” Video & Audio 04/08/09 1:03 PM EDT
Hour 1: Limbaugh calls global warming a “hoax,” claims world is “cooling” Article 04/08/09 1:00 PM EDT
Discussing Obama comment that Islam has helped shape “my own country,” Limbaugh says “you want to see, is he talking about Kenya or the United States?” Video & Audio 04/08/09 12:40 PM EDT
Caller criticizes Limbaugh, Hannity, etal, on torture: “It's like you're all brainwashed” Video & Audio 04/07/09 4:24 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “The Mullahs and Putin and Medvedev and Hu Jintao in China celebrated the day Obama got elected” because they know liberals believe old Soviet propaganda Video & Audio 04/07/09 3:54 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “I'm going to tell you who Obama is in world history: Neville Chamberlain” Video & Audio 04/07/09 3:11 PM EDT
Limbaugh: While abroad, Obama says “his country, the United States -- I don't think he's talking Kenya here -- the United States is responsible for most of the problems in the world” Video & Audio 04/07/09 2:31 PM EDT
Hour 3: Self-identified Republican calls Rush a “brainwashed Nazi” for his dismissal of torture Article 04/07/09 2:29 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama said that “the Islamic faith has done so much over the centuries to shape the world, including my own country. ... I don't know what other than 9-11 he's talking about” Video & Audio 04/07/09 1:52 PM EDT
Hour 2: Limbaugh says Iowa ruling on gay marriage is evidence of “the values of a dictatorship” Article 04/07/09 1:30 PM EDT