Limbaugh: Geithner testified about “how he intends to destroy our capitalist system with Barney Frank banging the gavel in support” Video & Audio 03/26/09 3:08 PM EDT
Limbaugh refers to MSNBC's Brewer, Francis as “info-babes,” then amends to “anchors” Video & Audio 03/26/09 2:57 PM EDT
Hour 3: Limbaugh refers to MSNBC's Brewer, Francis as “info-babes,” then amends to “anchors” Article 03/26/09 2:40 PM EDT
Discussing upcoming “Earth hour,” Limbaugh calls Obama “an extremist tyrannical president” Video & Audio 03/26/09 2:39 PM EDT
Hour 2: Rush laments about “emotional chaos” in the country under “an extremist, tyrannical president” Article 03/26/09 1:44 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama “is a gutless wonder; he is seeking as much chaos and depression among average Americans as he can get” Video & Audio 03/26/09 1:37 PM EDT
Hour 1: Rush joins Morris in claiming Obama wants his own financial plans to fail Article 03/26/09 1:34 PM EDT
Conservative media run with dubious SkyNews claim of Obama “teleprompt blunder” Article 03/25/09 9:10 PM EDT
Limbaugh on people who work on Wall Street: “People want families like yours to suffer. They want you to understand how hard life is for them and that's why they support Obama” Video & Audio 03/25/09 4:02 PM EDT
Limbaugh repeats analogy that hoping Obama fails is like Steelers fan wanting Cardinals' QB to fail in Super Bowl Video & Audio 03/25/09 2:35 PM EDT
Limbaugh on “bogus statistic that 1 of 50 American children are homeless”: “Would somebody tell me the last time you saw a kid sleeping under a bridge?” Video & Audio 03/25/09 1:14 PM EDT
Limbaugh refers to “Barack Ogabe,” drawing comparison between Obama and Robert Mugabe Video & Audio 03/24/09 3:49 PM EDT
Limbaugh says ACORN “got three and a half billion dollars from the stimulus bill” Video & Audio 03/24/09 2:49 PM EDT
Hour 3: Rush misrepresents Chuck Todd's comments to claim he is “too invested” in Obama Article 03/24/09 2:31 PM EDT
Hour 2: Rush on Obama: “He's taking away freedom incrementally each and every day” Article 03/24/09 1:32 PM EDT