Limbaugh on Obama administration: “They are focused on the destruction of the private sector. This is an all-out assault on capitalism” Video & Audio 03/24/09 1:29 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Obama: “He's a bad guy. He's one angry guy. His wife is angry as well.” Video & Audio 03/24/09 12:48 PM EDT
Limbaugh guest host Steyn on Wall Street bankers: “They're not fat cats. They're emaciated, cadaverous cats. They've got ... that cat version of AIDS that the cats get -- the feline immunodeficiency virus.” Video & Audio 03/23/09 4:14 PM EDT
Burnett claims bailout recipient bonus tax “to some echo[es] the Russian and French Revolutions,” asks: "[I]s America starting to look like Venezuela?" Video & Audio 03/23/09 3:35 PM EDT
Hour 2: Fill-in Steyn on Obama's presidency: "[T]his is like his first full-time job in his life" Article 03/23/09 2:49 PM EDT
Hour 1: Fill-in Steyn discusses the “condom-unists” supposedly benefiting from U.S. tax dollars Article 03/23/09 1:24 PM EDT
Limbaugh says Obama wants I-bankers “to be hated,” asks, “You don't think this guy has a bug up his dress ... chip on his shoulder about wealthy people?” Video & Audio 03/20/09 4:30 PM EDT
Hour 3: Limbaugh: Democrats waging “all out assault on capitalism, individualism, and freedom” Article 03/20/09 3:41 PM EDT
Addressing listeners who disagree with him on AIG, Limbaugh calls them “mobsters,” says they've been whipped into “frenzy of totalitarian hatred” Video & Audio 03/20/09 2:49 PM EDT
Hour 2: Limbaugh: outrage over AIG bonuses is “frenzy of totalitarian hatred” Article 03/20/09 2:35 PM EDT
CNBC's Francis channels Limbaugh on response to AIG bonuses: “This feels like mob rule” Video & Audio 03/20/09 2:15 PM EDT
Limbaugh on response to AIG: “We now have mob rule the way it started in Nazi Germany” Video & Audio 03/20/09 1:14 PM EDT