Mitchell: “If the American people are not looking for partisanship, what do you say to Rush?” Cantor: “I don't understand the question” Video & Audio 03/06/09 3:16 PM EST
Limbaugh on health care legislation: “Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy memorial health care bill” Video & Audio 03/06/09 1:33 PM EST
Following Drudge, media compare Obama to Nixon, cite purported “enemies list” Article 03/05/09 4:56 PM EST
Wash. Post uncritically reports “socialized medicine” rhetoric about Obama's health care plan Article 03/05/09 4:43 PM EST
Limbaugh, thanking those who “have come to my defense,” thanked Hannity, Van Susteren, and Fox News “in general” Video & Audio 03/05/09 3:51 PM EST
REPORT: Limbaugh conservatives continue 75-year-old “socialized medicine” smear Article 03/05/09 12:11 PM EST
CNN's Roberts pressed Giuliani to explain Republicans “paying ... unflinching fealty to Rush Limbaugh,” added “they're kissing the ring, Mr. Mayor” Video & Audio 03/05/09 9:45 AM EST
Steele tells Hannity: “If you go back and listen to that exchange, there was no attack on Rush” Video & Audio 03/04/09 9:55 PM EST
Limbaugh challenges Obama to debate; attacks “hacks,” “lightweights” Begala, Carville and “the ballerina” Emanuel Video & Audio 03/04/09 3:15 PM EST
Limbaugh cited Tapper's Twitter post saying he's “glad” he's not in the “butt-boy bubble” Video & Audio 03/04/09 3:06 PM EST