Nearly all TV news networks failed to cover the Trump-Pence administration’s recent attacks on the LGBTQ community Research/Study 06/04/19 9:08 AM EDT
Sunday shows completely ignore evidence Trump administration's citizenship census question was meant to benefit white Republicans Article 06/03/19 2:15 PM EDT
Fox's Brian Kilmeade asks why London protesters are “angry at Trump” when he supports Brexit Video & Audio 06/03/19 9:22 AM EDT
Everyone knows headlines are broken. Here's how news organizations can start fixing them. Article 05/31/19 1:00 AM EDT
The New Orleans Times-Picayune did vital environmental reporting for decades Article 05/29/19 4:11 PM EDT
CNN story examines how climate change and environmental racism harm communities of color Article 05/29/19 1:33 PM EDT
Iraq War veteran harshly criticizes Fox's call for Trump to pardon war criminals: “It's bad for our national security. It's bad for our troops, it's bad for our global standing.” Video & Audio 05/26/19 12:50 PM EDT
Two of Fox's favorite climate deniers testified before Congress on U.N. extinction report Article 05/22/19 5:46 PM EDT
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse calls for better media coverage of the climate crisis Video & Audio 05/22/19 11:13 AM EDT
Fox's Your World with Neil Cavuto hosts climate denier to analyze tornadoes ravaging Oklahoma and Texas Video & Audio 05/21/19 5:31 PM EDT
ABC News spent more time on royal baby in one week than on climate crisis in one year Article 05/21/19 2:27 PM EDT
Fox host suggests abortion bans are a policy solution to America's declining birth rates Video & Audio 05/16/19 9:14 AM EDT
Right-wing media lash out over Bill Nye’s Last Week Tonight call to action on climate change Article 05/13/19 8:49 PM EDT
ABC, NBC, and MSNBC prime-time shows ignored landmark UN report on biodiversity Research/Study 05/08/19 6:27 AM EDT
Fox's flagship “hard news” show hosts a climate change denier to downplay major UN report about humans causing mass extinctions Video & Audio 05/07/19 9:39 AM EDT
Sunday morning political shows barely discussed climate change in April Article 05/06/19 10:13 AM EDT
Fox anchor Shannon Bream hosts another anti-LGBTQ group figure: Heritage's Kay Coles James Video & Audio 05/03/19 2:22 PM EDT
Without a dedicated climate debate, moderators are likely to let Democratic candidates off the hook Article 04/30/19 2:43 PM EDT