GOP strategist Murphy warns against a “party of 25 percent of the vote going to Limbaugh rallies” Video & Audio 03/01/09 12:21 PM EST
Stephanopoulos elicits denial from Cantor that GOP supports “the Rush Limbaugh approach of hoping the President fails” Video & Audio 03/01/09 11:04 AM EST
Jarrett claims Limbaugh and Hannity “not low brow,” “exciting for a great many Americans to listen to” Video & Audio 02/28/09 7:49 PM EST
Presenting award, author Brad O'Leary tells CPAC: “the only way we will be successful is if we listen to Rush Limbaugh” Video & Audio 02/28/09 7:48 PM EST
Limbaugh calls CBS' Rodriguez an “anchorette,” then corrects to “anchor,” citing his “women's summit[s]” Video & Audio 02/28/09 7:37 PM EST
Limbaugh on bipartisanship: “Where is the compromise between good and evil? Should Jesus have cut a different deal?” Video & Audio 02/28/09 6:36 PM EST
Limbaugh compares “hop[ing] President Obama fails” to his wanting AZ Cards to fail in Super Bowl Video & Audio 02/28/09 6:35 PM EST
Limbaugh at CPAC: Dems “offering welfare checks to women to keep having babies” Video & Audio 02/28/09 5:50 PM EST
Limbaugh at CPAC: Dems “don't have the right to take money ... from the back pockets of producers and give it to groups like ACORN” Video & Audio 02/28/09 5:31 PM EST
Limbaugh says he has Stalin for security because liberals won't attack for fear of “offending Stalin” Video & Audio 02/28/09 5:19 PM EST
Limbaugh: “The dirty little secret ... is that every Republican in this country wants Obama to fail, but none of them have the guts to say so; I am willing to say it” Video & Audio 02/27/09 7:29 PM EST
Matthews did not challenge Ehrlich's false suggestion about small business taxes Article 02/27/09 8:44 AM EST