Brzezinski gushes about her “crush” Rush Limbaugh: “I love Rush. I do...we're emailing” Video & Audio 02/26/09 9:03 AM EST
Limbaugh, touting “Female Summit” to address his “huge gender gap,” excludes anyone “who's had a…chop-a-dick-offa-me” Video & Audio 02/25/09 2:31 PM EST
Limbaugh: “too many” Americans “have become a nation of wusses, of punks” Video & Audio 02/24/09 3:08 PM EST
Limbaugh falsely claimed that taxes on “most small businesses” would increase if Bush tax cuts on wealthiest Americans expire Article 02/23/09 4:43 PM EST
Limbaugh: Obama's fiscal rhetoric is “female-based,” like saying “No Michelle, that dress does not make you look like a sausage” Video & Audio 02/23/09 4:04 PM EST
Discussing economic plan, Limbaugh says “I think there is an anger and a rage on the part of Obama and his wife” Video & Audio 02/23/09 2:23 PM EST
The Hill, UPI uncritically reported false GOP claim that Dems steered recovery money to ACORN Article 02/21/09 5:23 PM EST
Matthews to Santelli: “You're up there with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. It's quite a team” Video & Audio 02/20/09 5:48 PM EST
Limbaugh says Rep. Clyburn (D-SC) is “racist” for comments calling out governors in “proverbial black belt” Video & Audio 02/20/09 2:07 PM EST
Limbaugh misquoted Obama on home values, used it as evidence of Obama “talking down the economy” Article 02/19/09 4:15 PM EST
Limbaugh likens Democrats to murderers, rapists, and “this Muslim guy” that “offed his wife's head” Video & Audio 02/19/09 2:56 PM EST