Matthews did not challenge Sen. Collins' claim that recovery bill will not stimulate economy Article 02/11/09 11:55 AM EST
Echo chamber: Bloomberg “commentary” health IT falsehood goes from Limbaugh to WSJ's Moore and Fox, back to Limbaugh Article 02/10/09 7:11 PM EST
Iron triangle revisited: Limbaugh touts Fox News “piece” that was really GOP press release Video & Audio 02/10/09 5:57 PM EST
Limbaugh speculates that Soros or a “consortium of countries” may have staged a run on banks in September to throw election to Obama Video & Audio 02/10/09 5:46 PM EST
Limbaugh takes credit for spreading health IT falsehood: “I found it. I detailed it for you and now it's all over mainstream media” Video & Audio 02/10/09 2:11 PM EST
Limbaugh repeats health IT falsehood from Bloomberg “commentary” on House recovery bill Article 02/10/09 6:55 AM EST
Matthews to Feehery on Limbaugh: “Every time you guys get on the air, you gotta give him a kiss” Video & Audio 02/09/09 5:59 PM EST
Limbaugh: “I have crashed the honeymoon...I've hijacked it, in fact.” Video & Audio 02/09/09 2:07 PM EST
Discussing Limbaugh, Armstrong Williams said to MSNBC's Shuster: “You guys choose to promote it, make him bigger than life.” Video & Audio 02/09/09 12:50 PM EST
Morris uses boogeyman of nonexistent ACORN funds to solicit funds for GOP group Article 02/09/09 9:23 AM EST
Limbaugh, Hannity, and the GOP: an iron triangle of stimulus misinformation Article 02/07/09 5:36 PM EST
Campbell Brown: “Who is actually leading the Republican Party these days? And if you listen to Rush Limbaugh, he is”; Steele: “Limbaugh is a conservative voice for our party” Video & Audio 02/06/09 9:58 PM EST