Savage: "[P]eople wonder why" JFK Jr. “died in a plane crash and then suddenly, enter from ... stage left, the carpetbagger Hillary Clinton” Video & Audio 12/17/08 1:06 PM EST
Limbaugh falsely claimed Bush waited until his second term to replace “some” of Clinton's U.S. attorneys Article 12/10/08 1:25 PM EST
Savage guest host Roberts: "[Y]ou may as well start an Obama savings account" so “welfare mom can have her new plasma TV as she pops kids out” Video & Audio 12/09/08 5:02 PM EST
Savage: "[A]ny heterosexual woman today over the age of 25 who grew up in America is basically a dominatrix" Article 12/08/08 9:39 AM EST
Limbaugh guest host attacks Obama appointee as extremist for supporting comprehensive immigration reform, which Bush also supports Article 12/04/08 2:15 PM EST
Conservative radio hosts continue to promote discredited claim that Obama has yet to prove he was born in the U.S. Article 12/03/08 1:01 PM EST
Savage on the Mumbai attacks: “Should the tribal areas in Pakistan be wiped out and the rats killed in there once and for all?” Article 12/01/08 2:47 PM EST
Savage on America: “We're probably 50 leagues below the degeneracy that brought about Hitler” Article 11/25/08 3:18 PM EST
Levin cited “global cooling” study to dismiss efforts to “control carbon dioxide” emissions, ignoring warning by study's co-author not to do so Article 11/20/08 5:02 PM EST