Savage: "[T]here's gonna be a wholesale firing of competent white men in the United States government" Video & Audio 11/19/08 6:17 PM EST
Savage: Most “Ph.D. experts on children are either gay or crazy ... if they were married, they either tried to kill their wife or were in rehab” Video & Audio 11/17/08 1:53 PM EST
Limbaugh's guest host is latest radio host to compare current policies or proposals to slavery Video & Audio 11/17/08 9:32 AM EST
Savage asked why Obama visited grandmother “who suddenly and suspiciously died virtually the night before the election” Article 11/14/08 4:34 PM EST
Caldara echoed Hannity and Limbaugh's promotion of myth blaming Obama for market's fall Article 11/13/08 8:12 PM EST
Conservative radio hosts accuse Dems of “trying to steal” MN Senate election -- but there's no evidence, according to GOP governor Article 11/13/08 8:11 PM EST
It's not just Limbaugh and Hannity -- in Colorado, Caplis, Caldara, and others promoted pre-election falsehoods Article 11/13/08 5:18 PM EST
Women, minorities, autistic children: Conservative radio's vitriol not reserved for Obama Article 11/13/08 9:40 AM EST
CBS: Warren Rudman wouldn't “mollify” the right during Memogate investigation Article 11/11/08 12:47 PM EST
Media conservatives claim America is “center-right,” but political scientists challenge reliance on voter self-identification Article 11/10/08 9:01 PM EST