Limbaugh: “Democrats will bend over, grab the ankles, and say, 'Have your way with me' ” to African-Americans and gays Article 06/24/08 7:37 PM EDT
Savage's answer to homelessness: “Why not put them in work camps?” Video & Audio 06/09/08 7:24 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Obama: His “only chance of winning is that he's black” Video & Audio 06/02/08 8:06 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Dem primary: If “feminazis” had remembered to oppose “affirmative action for black guys ... they wouldn't face the situation they face today” Video & Audio 05/21/08 5:18 PM EDT
Michael Savage plays Dead Kennedys song “in some respect for” Sen. Kennedy Article 05/21/08 12:08 AM EDT
NPR's Williams, Fox's Morris asserted that McCain went against GOP on immigration without noting his reversals Article 05/20/08 4:45 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “If Barack Obama were Caucasian, they would have taken this guy out on the basis of pure ignorance long ago” Article 05/15/08 5:44 PM EDT
Limbaugh asserted that “gas prices didn't start going through the roof till [Democrats] took over the House in 2006” Article 05/13/08 5:08 PM EDT