Tucker Carlson makes a compelling case against Biden's infrastructure plan for climate deniers and white supremacists Article 04/02/21 6:31 PM EDT
Fox News lies that Georgia's voter suppression law actually makes it easier to vote Article 04/02/21 3:31 PM EDT
One America News’ racist falsehoods undermine DirecTV’s appeals for racial justice Article 04/02/21 8:45 AM EDT
Fox News tries to tell you that infrastructure isn’t really infrastructure Article 04/01/21 1:06 PM EDT
Harassment, racism, and Christianity “under attack”: One month of One America News prime time Research/Study 03/31/21 7:36 AM EDT
Fox News contributor Lara Trump repeatedly lied and misled about 2020 election results Article 03/29/21 4:40 PM EDT
Georgia’s new voting law needs to be covered as a civil rights issue — not just as partisan politics Article 03/26/21 3:07 PM EDT
A Sinclair Broadcast Group report on the For the People Act whitewashed the GOP's nationwide effort to suppress voting Article 03/26/21 10:12 AM EDT
Fox News laments that Peter Doocy didn't get to ask President Biden about a Fox News conspiracy theory Article 03/25/21 6:48 PM EDT
Right-wingers spread conspiracy theory: Biden’s press conference was scripted Article 03/25/21 3:28 PM EDT
Florida media coverage shows why DeSantis should not be the COVID-19 role model national outlets are making him out to be Article 03/24/21 12:10 PM EDT
Night and day: The Washington Post offers two totally different stories on the U.S.-Mexico border Article 03/23/21 4:35 PM EDT
Trump gives interview to insurrection sympathizer, Newsmax host Greg Kelly Article 03/23/21 10:18 AM EDT
Fox News has aired 86 segments about trans people since President Biden took office Research/Study 03/22/21 1:24 PM EDT