Matthews and others on NBC networks have repeatedly linked Clinton to fictional Nurse Ratched Article 12/07/07 11:11 AM EST
Wash. Post's Bacon reported only Obama's denials of madrassa smear, not media debunkings Article 11/29/07 3:00 PM EST
Limbaugh on purported Clinton “warn[ing]” to Blitzer: “Wolf may want to beg off the debate because who's going to take care of his children?” Article 11/14/07 6:28 PM EST
On Hannity & Colmes, Bozell asserted -- despite complete lack of evidence -- that Hillary Clinton was “behind” obtaining confidential FBI files Article 11/14/07 12:39 PM EST
Savage: "[L]oving, kind lesbian" is “the type that stuffed ovens in Hitler's concentration camps” Article 11/09/07 5:59 PM EST
Limbaugh joins other media in whitewashing Swift Boat Vets' falsehoods, claims “nobody has disproven anything they claimed” Article 11/09/07 2:17 PM EST
O'Reilly misrepresented NY Times article to accuse it of “deceiv[ing] the public” regarding Olbermann's ratings Article 11/08/07 6:18 PM EST
Limbaugh: Teenager's testimony about global warming “reminded” him of 1970s ad of “Crying Indian” Article 11/06/07 3:26 PM EST