Laura Ingraham guest Joe diGenova calls Christine Blasey Ford “a deeply troubled person,” with "a history of psychological discord” Video & Audio 09/27/18 10:41 PM EDT
Fox anchors: Brett Kavanaugh should argue that he's not guilty just because he's “a white guy” Video & Audio 09/27/18 2:14 PM EDT
Chuck Todd: Democrats “would have more credibility” in Christine Blasey Ford hearing if they weren't “coming across as a support group” Video & Audio 09/27/18 12:46 PM EDT
What Fox is telling Trump about Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh's hearing Article 09/27/18 12:43 PM EDT
Fox's Chris Wallace: The prosecutor questioning Christine Blasey Ford “has so far not landed a glove” on her Video & Audio 09/27/18 12:42 PM EDT
Fox's Napolitano: Kavanaugh should act with the “righteous indignation of Clarence Thomas” during the hearing Video & Audio 09/27/18 12:33 PM EDT
How right-wing media are attacking Christine Blasey Ford's Senate testimony Article 09/27/18 12:02 PM EDT
Fox contributor: Kavanaugh sexual abuse reports are “a test of how foolish people are” Video & Audio 09/27/18 10:27 AM EDT
Fox's Shannon Bream: Report of sexual assault by Kavanaugh “seems so over-the-top” Video & Audio 09/27/18 10:21 AM EDT
Fox guest: Kavanaugh sexual assault reports are “a modern day Salem witch trial, SCOTUS edition” Video & Audio 09/27/18 9:46 AM EDT
Fox & Friends guest on reports of sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh: “We're smearing a poor man's reputation” Video & Audio 09/27/18 8:49 AM EDT
Fox's David Bossie: Kavanaugh sexual assault reports are hurting “future victims of real assaults” Video & Audio 09/27/18 8:31 AM EDT
On Fox, Mollie Hemingway compares Kavanaugh reports to “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory Video & Audio 09/26/18 8:33 PM EDT
Donald Trump says women were paid to lie about him committing sexual assault: “Check with Sean Hannity, you can check with Fox ... they covered it” Video & Audio 09/26/18 5:42 PM EDT
Prominent right-wing media embrace fever swamp conspiracy theories in last ditch effort to save Kavanaugh nomination Article 09/26/18 4:53 PM EDT
Here are the extreme reactions of abortion opponents to reports of sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh Article 09/26/18 4:50 PM EDT
Conservative media figures won't listen to multiple women about Brett Kavanaugh, but they did take an anonymous 4chan post at face value Article 09/26/18 2:25 PM EDT