Media blasted Edwards for speech fee but omitted Giuliani speeches, Edwards' explanation Article 05/23/07 7:41 PM EDT
Limbaugh lashed out at Media Matters and NBC, having declined invitation from Today to respond Article 05/23/07 6:52 PM EDT
Savage called Latino advocacy group “the Ku Klux Klan of the Hispanic people” Article 05/18/07 5:41 PM EDT
Olbermann named Limbaugh “Worst Person,” flagged Lehrer post about Morgan Video & Audio 05/18/07 1:12 PM EDT
Limbaugh complained Democrats are not asked why “there are no women and minorities on stage” Article 05/17/07 2:38 PM EDT
Conservative media tout flawed poll to call Dems 9-11 conspiracy theorists Article 05/15/07 8:00 PM EDT
CNN allowed Beck to decry “leftist witch hunt” against shock radio, didn't mention his own hate speech Article 05/15/07 12:21 PM EDT
Savage compared Rep. Wexler to Nazis over questioning of Gonzales during hearing Video & Audio 05/15/07 11:56 AM EDT
Boortz accuses Media Matters of trying to manipulate “some whimpering old woman executive somewhere” Video & Audio 05/14/07 1:51 PM EDT
Limbaugh's knee-jerk response to “Fort Dix Six”: "[C]ould it be" Clinton's fault? Article 05/11/07 6:33 PM EDT
Limbaugh suggested Obama needs Secret Service protection because of “Clinton Inc.” Article 05/07/07 8:36 PM EDT
Savage accused “Nazi” Rep. Hinchey of seeking a “final solution for conservatives on talk radio” Article 05/07/07 8:26 PM EDT
Rosen again criticized “liberal” media without noting their frequent conservative spin Article 05/04/07 9:01 PM EDT
Rosen asserted Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and Hannity don't “deal[] in venom” on the air; the record says differently Article 04/27/07 6:49 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Media Matters: "[Y]ou're going to have to learn not to be baited when I'm baiting you" Article 04/27/07 12:01 PM EDT